Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sin is behoovable, but all shall be well

Hugh Hewitt has touched match to powder, anotherVox Blogoli. The blogosphere forms into squares, front ranks kneel. Keyboards glint. Opening volleys clatter. The adversary approaches under a safe conduct pass.
Hugh, thanks for bringing this up, and thanks to those bloggers who have responded thoughtfully (quite a few interesting comments). My two cents: "Better they [religious conservatives] should write anti-abortion planks into the Republican platform than bomb abortion clinics" is not a sentence I would have included if I had thought harder about it. It shows carelessness on my part, always blameworthy in a writer.
One of the offending passages: "Better they should write anti-abortion planks into the Republican platform than bomb abortion clinics. " Better written as, "better those who oppose abortion write anti-abortion planks...". "No offense intended. " " None taken."
Stand down the cannonade!
The blogosphere truly is Indra's net.

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