Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Where I've Been

Underlayment and tile in the kitchen, floor and wall in the bathroom, kitchen cabinets roughed out, prime & paint walls and ceilings, (special thanks here to the Fair Penelope), finish up the outside foundation insulation, more digging in the mud to tip the egress window well into place against the foundation, drip cap installed around the perimeter insulation, chalk lines snapped low and high around the house perimeter, 300 feet of soffit installed, 156 feet each of fascia and sider's edge drip cap installed, starter strip nailed on around the front and sides of the house, (oh yes, and finished up installing the Menard-Vek, i.e. Tyvek except from Menard's), and siding installed on the front of the house almost to the top.

Any questions? Sorry, no pictures yet. They are backed up in the Fair Penelope's camera. Her list is longer. Thanks for poking by.

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